Agency Consulting Services

IIAG has partnered with The Moberg Group, a leading insurance agency consulting firm, to offer member agencies 30 minutes of free phone consultation every 3 months. The Moberg Group is also available at a fee to help should your agency have additional needs.
E&O Risk Management
To help IIAG member agents remain competitive, well-organized, and profitable, IIAG and SwissRe/Westport in conjunction with The Moberg Group (TMG), offer the Agency E&O Review Program for agencies participating in the E&O insurance program. TMG, specialists in agency operations, management, and business development, conducts the E&O Review Program for agencies referred by IMS. The program focuses on the agency’s operations, identification of potential E&O exposure, and recommendations for specific actions to be performed within a recommended timetable.
- IMS & SwissRe/Westport provide a five year 10% premium credit for completion and compliance with the Review Program.
- E&O Review credits are in addition to the credits received for participation in the E&O education classes provided by IIAG.
Agency Operations Manual
Regardless of which agency management system you use, this complete manual—made available to IIAG members through an exclusive agreement with The Moberg Group—can be customized to fit your operation. Workflow oriented, the manual is a benefit in training new employees, and a good reference for existing staff. It also helps meet "rules of evidence" requirements for documented proof of procedures if your agency is ever questioned in court. Whether processing a non-premium endorsement, or the most complex reporting form policy, the easy to follow workflow make the process simple. Click here to download the order form.
IIAG members receive special, discounted pricing of 25% of the cost of the manual.
The manual includes:
- General Agency Procedures
- Personal Lines Work Flow & Procedures
- Commercial Lines Work Flow & Procedures
- Employee Benefits Procedures
- Job Descriptions
Agency Management
- Evaluate Current Workflow
- Productivity Analysis
- Standards
- Procedure Documentation
- Quality Assurance Practices
- E&O Status
Automation Analysis
Agency Automation
- Current utilization
- Current automation plan
- Disaster recovery plan
Document Management Strategy
Review and advise
Process Automation
- Sales & Marketing
- Agency Performance (prior, current, planned)
- Preliminary Industry Performance Evaluation
- Agency Perpetuation
- Profitability: EBITDA earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation & amortization
Performance Management
- Talent Management
- Hiring Practices
- Compensation Programs
- Staff Evaluation/Recommendations
IIAG Members receive 30 minutes of FREE phone consultation every 3 months. Start utilizing your benefits today!