Georgia Insurance Marketplace
Gain insights from seeing five years of Georgia's premium, profitability, and commission data
Download Your Exclusive Marketplace Report
As a benefit of IIAG membership, you have access to a summary of the P&C insurance marketplace in Georgia. Member agencies report many benefits from having this comprehensive, extensive, and timely resource.
What's Included in The Report:
The 2024 Georgia P&C Marketplace Report gives you access to this valuable data in one comprehensive, member-exclusive report.
New Resource: All Active Insurers List
As a supplemental resource to the P&C Marketplace Report, IIAG members have access to a list of all active insurers in the state of Georgia. Included for each insurer is their total Direct Written Premium, Premium change from 2022 to 2023, how Georgia premiums compare nationally, and the insurer's adjusted loss ratio.