Safeco Market Access
Exclusive Market Access for IIAG Members
Membership Means Access.
GAMS is IIAG's for-profit entity providing agency services such as E&O coverage, market access, etc.
Does your agency need access to a top-notch national carrier for personal lines? Is your agency unable to meet the giant premium volume expectations that many carriers currently have? Do you know your agency can produce good business if given the right opportunity?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then consider the GAMS MAP!
Access to full line of Safeco Insurance Company's personal lines products
Minimal premium volume commitments
Profit sharing
Retain full ownership of all the business placed in the program
100% of the retail commission paid by Safeco (Variable auto 12/10 to 15/15 and 15/15 home).
About The Safeco Market Access Program
The Independent Insurance Agents of Georgia, Inc., through its wholly-owned for-profit subsidiary, Georgia Agency Management Services, has entered into an agreement with Safeco to provide a way to allow our smaller member agencies to write multi-line personal lines insurance through Safeco without having to get a direct appointment. This is important for our members, as direct appointments required a higher threshold than most of our smaller members could achieve.

Meet Our Member Services Coordinator
Ashley Bryant
Member Services Coordinator
(770) 458-0093 ext. 110